As I teach, I aim to help others develop a deeper intuition about when (and when not to) use the techniques and concepts of mathematics. To achieve this end, I design lessons that actively engage students in mathematical thinking. I am a conversationalist in the classroom and believe in the construction of mathematical understanding through dynamic interaction with students. At an elemental level, I discover personal joy and peace while discussing mathematics with others. The moments when I can help someone assemble a new framework for understanding a mathematical concept are truly rewarding to me.
After working as a high school math teacher for three years, I returned to school to pursue a PhD from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University at Albany where Alexandre Tchernev was my thesis advisor. My mathematical research interests lie at the intersection of commutative alebra, combinatorics and algebraic topology. In a broad sense, I look for combinatorial descriptions of objects which originate in commutative algebra and work to find commutative algebra interpretations for interesting combinatorial objects.
In addition to my research pursuits, I enjoy learning about mathematical applications and how mathematical ideas can be communicated. From time to time I bear left from PureMathLand and work as consultant for Lecky Integration and for US Lacrosse.
The math quote I am currently enjoying most comes from Blaise Pascal; who said, "We are usually convinced more easily by reasons we have found ourselves than by those which have occurred to others."