Programming in Mathematics

Lectures: Knott Hall 318
Lecture: MWF 2-2:50
Instructor: Mili Shah(
Knott Hall 316D, x2724
Office Hours: W: 1-2pm or by appointment.
Participation: Please contribute to the classroom environment by asking questions and participating in discussions. Your interaction will be considered when assigning borderline grades, as will improving performance throughout the course of the semester.
Grading: 75% Problem Sets, 25% Final Project
Problem Sets: Generally, there will be a problem set due every Wednesday at 11:59pm. You are encouraged to discuss these assignments, but the final code must be entirely your own work. On the day that the assignment is due, a quiz may be given that will count as part of the problem set.
Late policy:No work will be accepted late without prior arrangement or a written excuse.
Citrix:Information on how to access MATLAB online can be found here.
Cell Phones: Cell phones are not permitted in class unless in off or silent mode. If a cell phone rings in class, your next homework will be deducted by 5%.
Disabilities: I will happily accommodate any needs you have based upon a disability that is registered with the office of Disability Support Services (DSS). You need to contact me ahead of time for this accommodation. You can contact DSS at 410-617-2062.
Week Lecture Due
8 Last One 11/24
7 PDEs 11/16
6 Subfunctions
Some Examples
5 Functions 10/22
4 Convolutions 10/8
3 Animated GIFs
Some Examples
2 Loops 9/22
1 Introduction 9/10